티스토리 뷰


(2007/01/03 05:25 작성)

출처: http://devzone.zend.com

Using MySQL Full-text Searching



Intended Audience

This tutorial is intended for developers using MySQL (http://www.MySQL.com/) and PHP (http://www.php.net) who want to create a searchable database of some sort of textual data. It will focus on the Full-text capabilities presented by MySQL, moving into the Boolean opportunities that are presented in the latest alpha version, 4.1, of MySQL.


Using directories to group articles by category is a great way to help people to navigate through many articles. At some point, however, someone will want to find all the articles that pertain to a certain topic that may not have a directory of it’s own, or may span many directories . This is what the search engine is for.

Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, you will learn:

  • How to modify your current database to accommodate Full-text searching
  • How to use a simple Full-text search to quickly gather relevant responses
  • How to execute a more complex Full-text search with Boolean capabilities
  • Tips on what to do, and what not to do, as well as the security implications of some of the example scripts presented.


  • MySQL – An Open Source database that is used by many PHP developers for it’s support and speed, as well as because it’s free.
  • Full-text – Built in functionality in MySQL that allows users to search through certain tables for matches to a string.
  • Boolean Search – A search which allows users to narrow their results through the use of Boolean operators.
  • Boolean Operators – A deductive logical system by which a user can narrow results through the use of AND, OR, XOR, and other operators.

Background Information

Before the advent of the search engine, users had to search manually through dozens – or hundreds – of articles and tidbits to find the ones that were right for them. Nowadays, in our more user-centered world, we expect the results to come to the user, not the other way around. The search engine gets the computer to do the work for the user.


  • MySQL version 3.23.23 or better for the simple Full-text searching
  • MySQL version 4.1 alpha or better for the complex Boolean searching
  • PHP & A knowledge thereof.



Let’s start with a quick review of our situation:

We have a database that contains articles. We might create a table of database contents using a statement like this:

CREATE TABLE articles (body TEXT, title VARCHAR(250), id INT NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY(id);

Let’s say we have about 100 of these articles, covering various topics: MySQL, PHP, and various other topics of that sort. How do the users find the tutorials they want? Remember, we need to bring the results to the user. This is going to be a search engine operation.

Initial Ideas

When I started to work with my first database which was only a tenth of the size, my MySQL query went something like this:

SELECT FROM articles WHERE body LIKE '%$keyword%'; 

This was slow and inefficient.Every time someone searched for an article, they got far too many results, and as the database grew the system became downright shameful.

So what is the solution? It’s right here: Full-text Searching.

The Solution: Setup

Full-text Search is a feature introduced to MySQL in version 3.23.23. This is how I used it to fix my problem:

I started out with an update to my table: 

ALTER TABLE articles ADD FULLTEXT(bodytitle); 

This set ups our Full-text index. The (body, title) part tells us that we can search the body and title for keywords later on. We’ll find out how to use this later, once we’ve overcome a potential problem.

In my original database BLOB was my datatype for the body of the article. What’s the problem, you ask? BLOBs are meant primarily for binary data. What use is searching binary data? MySQL has been programmed not to index BLOB datatypes for Full-text searching. If you try to index BLOB datatypes, you get an Error 140.

The fix for this is simple: 


That switches datatype from BLOB to TEXT, thus making a useful column for searching.

The Solution: Actually Doing Something

How do we get results? Let’s jump right in and try it out:


        SELECT * FROM articles 
        WHERE MATCH(title, body) AGAINST ('PHP') 

$sql MySQL_query($query
/* output results */ 

What will this give us? Well, let’s go over Full-Text first.

According to the MySQL manual, Full-text is a “natural language search”; it indexes words that appear to represent the row, using the columns you specified. As an example, if all your rows contain “MySQL” then “MySQL” won’t match much. It’s not terribly unique, and it would return too many results. However, if “MySQL” were present in only 5% of the rows, it would return those rows because it doesn’t appear too often to be known as a keyword that’s very common. (If you have “MySQL” in none of your rows, it’ll return nothing; duh.)

MySQL also does something pretty useful. It creates a score. This score is usually something like .9823475 or .124874, but always larger than zero. It can range up above 1, and I have seen it at 4 sometimes. (Don’t try to multiply it by 100 and portray it as a % value; people will wonder why their keyword matches an article 431%!)

MySQL will also order a row by its score, descending. 

Another useful tidbit: If you use MATCH() AGAINST() Change the document style for this to “Inline Code” twice in a query, as we will, there is no additional speed penalty. You might expect that because you are executing the same search twice the query would take twice as long, but in fact MySQL remembers the results from the first search as it runs the second. 

So, let's talk about the actual query: We are taking every column from articles, and searching "title" and "body" for $keyword This is also Inline Code. Pretty simple. 

And if we want to display the score too: 

/* connect to MySQL (same as always) */ 

        SELECT *, 
            MATCH(title, body) AGAINST ('PHP') AS score 
        FROM articles 
        WHERE MATCH(title, body) AGAINST('PHP') 

$sql MySQL_query($query
/* display the results... */ 

More about Basic Searching

What more is there to say? Well, there's another feature I can introduce to you.

When most people meet up with a search box they don't type in only one word. Not knowing the backend, they just type in as many words as they feel like! 

MySQL realizes this and deals with it. If I were you, the only thing I would do is remove the commas that might be there, usingstr_replace. MySQL will take all the words, split them up, and then match using a natural language search. 

As a secondary note, you should never send input directly from the user to the MySQL prompt because any number of characters could terminate your MySQL query and begin another dastardly statement. (This is presuming you replace PHP with a $keyword in the above script.)

Example: Basic Searching Application

Now that we know all about basic searching, you ask: What more is there to learn? Well, not much except that I’ve created a quick sample application for you. 

Let's launch straight into the code. This bare bones application will search for a phrase or a keyword that the user inputs:

/* call this script "this.php" */ 
if ($c != 1
) { 
<form action="this.php?c=1"> 
<input type="text" name="keyword"> 
<input type="submit" value="Search!"> 
} else if ($c==1
) { 

            SELECT *, 
                MATCH(title, body) AGAINST('$keyword') AS score 
                FROM articles 
            WHERE MATCH(title, body) AGAINST('$keyword') 
            ORDER BY score DESC 

$res MySQL_query($sql
while($row MySQL_fetch_array($rest
)) { 





What does this script do? First, it checks $c to see if user input has been sent. If it has not, the form is displayed. If it has, the script moves onwards.

The same query that we've been using is used here: we match against what the user inputs. We then draw a table and display it in [semi-]pretty form. The ORDER BY score DESC
Code Inline makes sure that the best scores (the most accurate matches) are shown first.

Important note: Never use this simple script in any production form because I have done absolutely no error checking. The $queryvariable provides an easy opening for an intruder to input something nasty into your query that might destroy your data.

Advanced Boolean Searching

If you need more options in your MySQL searching, or you haven't finished your coffee yet, keep reading. The advanced search engine tutorial begins here.

Before we get started into the magic of bool, I recommend you do a quick SELECT version(); 
Code Inlineon your MySQL server. I spent several hours battling my computer until I read this line in the MySQL manual:

As of Version 4.0.1, MySQL can also perform Boolean full-text searches using the IN BOOLEAN MODE modifier.

Whoops; 4.0.1 is the newest, alpha release of MySQL
Still check for this... it should by MySQL. If you're looking to use this on a production server, I'd strongly recommend against that decision. I found I was using a 3.23.23, and I had to set up an experimental MySQL server to use the bool functions that it offers now. 

Overall, I was very pleased with the performance of the new bool searching; the scoring system is changed, but one can still manage. Within 15 minutes of upgrading, I had a simple bool search page up and running on my articles database. 

Boolean: The Basic Technical Aspect

The only thing you change to use Boolean mode is the AGAINST() part of your query. You add IN BOOLEAN MODE to the very end of it, and place the arguments right before it. E.g. to search for all the articles that contain the word PHP, you could write: 


That will find all the articles that contain the word "PHP" somewhere in them. It's a fairly simple search. If you were to get more complex, and wanted everything that has to do with PHP, but not with MySQL, then you could execute this statement:


There are more modifiers that one can use to search with, and I will quote from the MySQL manual since I see no point in typing out a synopsis of the manual: 


By default (when neither plus nor minus is specified) the word is optional, but the rows that contain it will be rated higher. This mimics the behavior of MATCH() ... AGAINST()DR

A leading plus sign indicates that this word must be present in every row returned.
A leading minus sign indicates that this word must not be present in any row returned. 
< >
These two operators are used to change a word's contribution to the relevance value that is assigned to a row. The < operator decreases the contribution and the > operator increases it. See the example below. 
( )
. Parentheses are put round sub-expressions to give them higher precedence in the search. 
A leading tilde acts as a negation operator, causing the word's contribution to the row relevance to be negative. It's useful for marking noise words. A row that contains such a word will be rated lower than others, but will not be excluded altogether, as it would be with the minus operator.
An asterisk is the truncation operator. Unlike the other operators, it is appended to the word, or fragment, not prepended. 

Double quotes at the beginning and end of a phrase, matches only rows that contain the complete phrase, as it was typed. 

A Basic Boolean Searching Application

Again, we’ll start with the code straight off: 

/* call this script "advs.php" */ 
) {  
<form action="advs.php?c=1" method=POST> 
<b>Find Results with: </b><br> 
Any of these words: <input type="text" length=40 name="any"> <br> 
All of these words: <input type="text" length=40 name="all"> <br> 
None of these words: <input type="text" length=40 name="none"> <br> 
<input type="submit" value="Search"> 
} else if($c
) { 
$all) || ($all == "")) { $all ""; } else { $all "+(".$all.")"
; } 
$any) || ($any == "")) { $any ""
; }  
$none) || ($none == "")) { $none ""; } else { $none "-(".$none.")"
; } 

       SELECT *, 
          MATCH(title, story) AGAINST ('$all $none $any' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score  
          FROM compsite  
       WHERE MATCH(title, story) AGAINST ('$all $none $any' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"

$artm1 MySQL_query($query
) {  
"<b>Article Matches</b><br>"

MySQL_num_rows($artm1) > 0
) { 

"<tr><td>Score </td><td>Title </td><td>Body</td></tr>"

$artm2 MySQL_fetch_array($artm1
)) { 
$val round($artm2['score'], 3
$val $val*100





   else {  
"No Results were found in this category.<br>"

After we get the input from the form, $c Code Inlineis set to 1 and we start the real work. 

First we check our input. If it's empty, we leave it empty, if it's not, we append the proper + or - to it. The parentheses are to allow for the user typing more than 1 word in a given field. 

    SELECT * 
        MATCH(title, story) AGAINST ('$all $none $any' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score 
    FROM compsite 
        MATCH(title, story) AGAINST ('$all $none $any' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"

That's the final query that we use. $all, $none Code Inline, and $any have already been prepared for the query, and they are inserted. Score is returned as a column to order them by (if we wanted to do that), and from there on, we just have to output the results. 

   if(MySQL_num_rows($artm1) > 0) { 

"<tr><td>Score </td><td>Title </td><td>Body</td></tr>"

$artm2 MySQL_fetch_array($artm1
)) { 
$val round($artm2['score'], 3
$val $val*100





That's the output code. If there's less than 1 row to output, we send a "no records found" message out. 

That's about it for Full-Text searching. 


MySQL Man Page for Full-Text: http://www.MySQL.com/doc/F/u/Fulltext_Search.html

I found the following note on the Man pages for Full-text. It might be useful for anyone trying to work out why their database returns no matches.

          Extra [important] Note from the Man Page: Tim Gustafson: Note: you should add at least 3 rows to the table before you try to match anything, and what you're searching for should only be contained in one of the three rows. This is because of the 50% threshold. If you insert only one row, then now matter what you search for, it is in 50% or more of the rows in the table, and therefore disregarded.

About The Author

Jim Ferrara has never held an IT job in his life, but will be heading off to Old Dominion University in Virginia, USA in the fall. He currently works at Outback Steakhouse as a cook and loves it. Questions or comments can be directed to jferr007@odu.edu.

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