How can I merge two Python dictionaries in a single expression? For dictionaries x and y, z becomes a merged dictionary with values from y replacing those from x. In Python 3.5 or greater: x = {'a':'1', 'b':'2', 'c':'3'} y = {'d':'4', 'e':'5', 'f':'6'} z = {**x, **y} print(z) {'a': '1', 'b': '2', 'c': '3', 'd': '4', 'e': '5', 'f': '6'} Another example: w = {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'qux', **y} # mer..
Python 3.x 에서 Dictionary를 value가 큰 순으로 정렬하는 여러가지 방법 def dict_val(x): return x[1] x = {"python": 2, "blah": 4, "alice": 3} #일반적인방법 sorted_x1 = sorted(x.items(), key=dict_val, reverse=True) print('sorted_x1',sorted_x1) #lambda를 이용하는 방법 sorted_x2 = sorted(x.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True) print('sorted_x2',sorted_x2) #zip을 이용하는 방법 sorted_x3 = sorted(zip(x.values(), x.keys()), reverse=Tru..